Christchurch Naturopath
How Naturopathy Provides Relief
As a naturopath I can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and support you through difficult life stages and periods of stress.
In the past naturopathic medicine has been called an alternate therapy but nowadays naturopathy is recognised world wide.
Naturopaths are happy to work alongside doctors and other medical professionals as complementary practitioners to promote health and wellness.

Holistic Natural Treatment for your Anxiety & Chronic Pain
As a naturopathic medicine practitioner, I include your whole body in your assessment - what we call holistic therapy. That means taking notes about the 'history' of your problems you want to discuss, then together make plans for your future.
It's not enough to have a diagnosis of pain or anxiety in it's many forms or to get pills to reduce your pain, your anxiety or stress levels - better to find out WHY?
Do you want to change any of these symptoms?
Muscle tension aches and pain
Chronic Pain – fibromyalgia, IBS, migraines etc.
Chronic stress or fear of burnout
Brain fog or poor concentration
Stress and concomitant problems
Indigestion, bloating, constipation,
Practitioner only supplements
As a trained professional the supplements that I may prescribe are high quality, researched and made to high specifications, practitioner only supplements.
Also it's important to keep supplements to a minimum - those that are essential
Meet Christchurch Naturopath Jean
30 min
70 New Zealand dollars
What and how you eat and drink
Your lifestyle, both social and work
Exercise, movement and activity
Drugs and medication prescribed by your doctor (important that we know this)
Bring in all supplements: across the counter supplements, those from friends or online.
At this clinic we generally use Australian supplements that are strictly regulated by the TGA (therapeutic goods act) for quality and content, if supplements are needed.
In a Naturopath Consult you can expect to be asked about:-
Sore, Anxious or in Daily Pain?
When chronic pain is affecting your happiness, or getting in the way of doing what you love it's time to get some help.
Book Session with Jean
Stress can be overwhelming but an experienced therapist can support and guide your changes Learn quick, effective easy to use skills
Book Session with Jean
Want Lower Stress or Anxiety?
You may also want to discuss.
Fatigue, always feeling tired
Lack of energy
Anxiety, or Stress with difficulty controlling your stress levels and daily interactions
Poor concentration and brain fog –neurological factors
Stress that increases your pain – stress information
Naturopathic Medicine is by its very nature and name a natural therapy, recognised as complementary medicine or called alternative therapy.
Naturopaths are trained full-time for three to four years. The courses and subjects they study include anatomy and physiology, pharmacology also many areas of health and wellness not generally treated by doctors.
One of the strengths of naturopathic philosophy is the emphasis on being as healthy as possible and using drug-free treatments, hence reducing complications with side-effects.
Naturopathy gives you Natural Solutions for Pain or Anxiety.
Relaxation, Meditation, Mindfulness in Christchurch and Online

Introducing "Positively Relax" to Christchurch
Imagine you had:-
A collection of quick and easy to use de-stressing skills
A way to reduce your response to stress
A way to become less anxious
Have more control over your emotions
A way to stop mentally beating yourself up
But you don't have:-
30 - 45 minutes each day to practice meditation or mindfulness
A full understanding or fear you may not meditate correctly
A way to self-care for yourself
The ability to stop your busy mind
Ways to be positive with yourself
Private Relaxation Sessions with Jean
Having developed and run a 12 week online Positively Relax online course in Perth before moving to Christchurch I'm able to teach you suitable easy techniques and skills to begin to handle stress,
We will discuss what really works well for you in a 30 minutes session at my clinic rooms in Riccarton, Christchurch.
Within a few weeks you will:-
Be more calm and confident
Have more energy
Find your own ways to handle challenges
Smile more!
Learn more about Jean's own "Journey to Calmness" and her Meditation Lessons
Read more about Stress, Anxiety and Emotions
A Journey Through Social Anxiety
A young woman drops out of university after getting involved with drugs finds answers and turns her life around.
Are You an Expert at Holding onto Emotions
Challenges and trauma earlier in life can not only effect our happiness but have a detrimental effect on our long term health and wellness.
Some Self Care Ideas for You to Do at Home
Relax and chill out to relieve pain and anxiety - easy
Ideas of how to relieve the stress that built up over the day and get ready to 'chill out'
Relaxation Postures
Find supportive body positions that you can use to relax, or to relieve pain
Listen to free relaxation recordings
Get comfortable and then listen and learn easy to use calming and relaxing skills that can be used when needed during your busy day.

Want to be drug-free or to take researched and proven supplements?
I'm finding increasing we are all aware of the processing and additions to not only our foods but also supplements that increasing carry the label 'natural'.
The supplements we prescribe are all TGA 'therapeutic goods act' ensuring their quality. When you see a qualified naturopath they will prescribe the nutritional you need for your health concerns.
If you are on many different medication they can affect your nutritional status, requiring supplementation.
*** Never change your medication or dosage without permission from your GP