Natural IBS Pain Relief Christchurch Clinic
Thanks for checking out my natural ideas about IBS.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a complex illness. Even when you have a definitive diagnosis of IBS you can be told it's something you have to live with.
Here is a client's story when she came to me: -
"Dailey worked in a customer service centre, her embarrassing problem was an uncontrollable bowel. Three years of digestive pain, gall bladder operation, not solving anything, a cacophony of drugs that didn't solve the problem......."
Irritable bowel syndrome is debilitating,
IBS can be extremely embarrassing,
Unpredictable symptoms affect your social life,
You shy away from intimate relationships,
IBS symptoms are difficult to hide at work,
IBS pain can stop you in your tracks,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatments
Medications and diet may or may not improve your IBS symptoms, severity and duration.
Although diet can help alleviate bowel syndrome, despite its name and symptoms of diarrhea or constipation IBS is not just about your digestive system.
It can be described as a mind body syndrome, as there is an aptly named gut brain connection.
Brain Gut Connection Needs Attention
Without a complicated explanation there are neurons [nerve cells] in your gut or digestive system.
Think of some of the sayings we use: -
"Gut feelings"
"Trust your gut"
"I've got a nervous tummy"
"Butterflies are going crazy"
These sayings are an apt description of the sensations that we can feel in our digestive system.
Now here are some things to think
about the gut brain connection.
Is your IBS worse when stressed?
Is your pain worse when stressed?
Are your symptoms better when you're on holiday?
Is your pain better when relaxed?
Is your pain less when enjoying times with good friends?
In the list above emotions are involved in each of them therefore emotions are involved in IBS.
So what happened to Dailey?
"I found Dailey a particular strain of probiotic that helped somewhat with her urgency. She uncovered various stressful events in her life - mainly from three years of IBS, operations and medication that didn't help.
Her final resolution was remembering a time just before her illness began. Her car was stolen during the night from outside her house. However more than the loss of her car was the fact they took the keys off her bedside cabinet when she was asleep. The vision of a unknown stranger standing next to her bed was terrifying.
Until she got together with me this had been forgotten - but her brain remembered the fear and so did her body!"
Do you want to join me?
Learn more about how what you think and feel can affect your digestive system.
Because you already suspect that your feelings and what you're experiencing can affect the symptoms of your IBS.
30 min
70 New Zealand dollars